We’re the NYC Autism Community!

Families with autistic children face a variety of unique challenges, often leaving little time for fun, togetherness and learning from others who share this journey how they have learned to make the most of all that life in New York City has to offer.
Our goal is to bring the wonderful members of our community together for events and monthly community meetings where actual members of the autism community speak and share their experiences first hand so we can all learn from them.
Join us for our next event with more fellowship and community, joined by various types of holistic, dietary and other autism angels for an afternoon of fun, camaraderie and good food! More to come!
Our Mission

Through our New Autism Tech, Innovation and Careers Expos, or goal is to bring as many holistic, alternative and tech solutions to the families with members on the Autism Spectrum as affordably and accessibly as possible. We will also host discussion on neurodiversity employment, where it is, where it is going and hope for the future.
We will be creating an on line registry or our vendor/exhibitor population and support them in creating a community where they can help each other, accelerate their businesses and the all-important reach to our families. Stay tuned for the launch of the Autism Innovation Network!
This is our mission. If you would like to join us, as a Sponsor, an Exhibitor or anyone, please reach out via our Contact Page.
We’re planning on bringing our Expo to many markets in the US and beyond. Coming soon to a city near you. It is time to rally behind us to make real change in the world in giving our brothers and sisters on the spectrum a world that embraces them and where they flourish.
Thank you and thank you for all you do in the space of autism advocacy.
Signed Richard Schreiber
NYC Autism Community Group LLC